Monday, February 22, 2016

You are leading every woman, whether you like it or not. So take up the reins; she both wants it and needs it. TheRedPill

Summary: Betas empower women because that's what they should do/what women want. "It's an equal world. Give her power and she will be happy." The woman gets more power and becomes miserable as a result. She takes out her frustrations on the men who submit (making them miserable as well), while she's intrigued and turned on by those who don't cop to the empowerment bullshit.

There are whole generations of boys and men making approaches and overtures who want women to make the choice when women don't want to make any choices in the "we" spectrum. Women actually can't make choices in the realm of the relationship. Their default setting when a guy puts the ball in her court is either to use him or lose him.

This means: Even the most beta bux loser is leading and making choices for women. He makes the choice as obvious and clear as the most trained alpha. It's a simple logical twist that both seals the beta deal and turns her off:

By putting the choices in her hands, the man is actually denying his own agency, denying his own pivotal and effective role. But he can't downplay it completely. He can only shrink it and continuously relinquish it, constantly putting it on the woman who seriously won't know what the fuck to do with this guy that can't show spine or make choices.

He thinks the fair thing to do is say, "Ok, evaluate me and then please please let me get lucky and be chosen." He thinks he's giving her an open unbiased field for exercising her society-given female empowerment. He isn't; she lacks the power to choose him entirely of her own will. He's leading her toward a place of confusion where she must find her own way. The interaction started with her excited about maybe being led by a real man (90% of her relationship life is her wandering aimlessly, hoping for someone to will her into a set direction) and then that man puts her back into the wilderness by trying to be hands off and nice, making it clear that he does not want to lead.

And when a woman is confused and uncertain and unled, her attraction instantly dies. She gets the fuck out as fast as possible. She'll instantly lose any real interest and will friendzone him or just check out altogether.

When you’re just sitting talking to a girl without any conscious agenda, you’re still leading her. There is no such thing as a one-sided interaction. Even when you’re not talking, you’re leading in some way. It’s unavoidable. Betas simply lead her to predictable places:

1 – To boredom

2 – Through her constant momentary self-delusions (I’m doing this, I’ve done that, I think Sally did this, broken record shtick)

3 –To seeing you as a tool, orbiter, source of money and gifts

If the women in your life constantly talk about themselves, get bored with you, and only hang around because you give them things, it’s not only your fault – it’s constantly your fault. You’ve created this vacuum of will that she fills up on a whim. She’s not “doing her.” She’s not doing what she normally does (because she's never "normally" been around you - being with you should be a unique fucking experience).

She’s being the shitty person you’re leading her to be.

The last Red Pill story I’ll ever need.

I currently have front row seats to the perfect storm of extreme liberalism creating a male/female relationship that is constant and utter bullshit between a psychologically castrated man and uber-empowered woman. They’re both progressive, intellectual beings living exactly how they think they should live. Their 14 year old son actually has more masculine pull in the household than his own father.

The woman doesn’t work at all. She lives in an enormous house that her husband completely pays for. Everything comes from his salary and investments: their vacations, cars, everything. Yet she pissed all over him a few weeks ago for spending money on a personal project without telling her. She also completely ripped him a new asshole for not phoning home a few nights, and in his crystallized til-death-takes-me betaness, he put a calendar of his monthly schedule on the refrigerator. She not only has his balls. She has them lacquered and rolls them around while he watches.

He stays away from home as much as he possibly can, hanging out with a group of friends who constantly shit all over each other for the slightest liberal shit: perceived racism, classism, sexism. They all basically sit around trying to create a utopia while making each other walk on eggshells. That toxic community is actually preferable to his wife, mostly because she scares the living fuck out of him.

The twist?

This is not the life she wants. I can see it.

She’s not the woman who originally planned to have a wet noodle bitch for a husband, a man whose own child has to intervene on his father’s behalf because his own dad won’t stand up for himself. She didn't marry him saying, “I’m going to get me a man and take all his money and life the big life.” I can tell that she hates him for the way he is and the fact that she’s still testing him after all these years shows that she’s really a little hopeful that this limp dick stranger can still show even a semblance of spine.

He’s the biggest male apologist, panders to all his female friends, is completely afraid of his wife, and doesn’t realize that he leads her daily – DAILY – to treat him like this. Every morning that he wakes up without realizing that he’s ultimately in control, he robs his manhood of its purpose and drives his wife to lead this miserable existence. She punishes him like a monster for refusing to lead, and instead of taking up the reins, he tries to make more and more concessions in hopes that will appease her frustration for another precious day.

And they’re both incredibly intelligent, giving people. I’ve honestly never met two kinder people in my life. They would give everything up to help other people. And their relationship is the biggest pile of shit nuclear train wreck I have ever witnessed.

Lesson: Lead her.

EDIT: a word

Submitted February 23, 2016 at 05:07AM by BigShots TheRedPill

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