Saturday, February 27, 2016

What's the consensus on William "The Refrigerator' Perry? nfl

I just finished watching the 30 for 30 on the '85 Bears - which was fantastic, check it out!

I was born in 1988 so I was much too young to watch any of his career, but I'm surprised to find in my new research how little accolades he received. Despite not being old enough to watch him I'm WELL aware of who he is from pure name-value. I hate to admit, but after watching that documentary it seemed like he was just a serviceable defensive lineman on an amazing defensive unit. Am I wrong? It's well noted that Buddy Ryan didn't want to draft him and Ditka didn't care. Ryan went so far as to say it was a "wasted pick," and only played him at his actual position later on.

Was he just a gimmick player who was hilarious, albeit at least somewhat effective, to watch barreling into the endzone? Ditka seemed to want to do that mostly out of revenge to the 49ers. Or was he actually a good defensive player?

I'm especially curious to hear from Bears fans who were alive to watch him.

All that said he seems like a really fun guy from the interviews!

Submitted February 28, 2016 at 12:13AM by Swanky367 nfl

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