Monday, February 22, 2016

Norman has a BBQ lifeofnorman

Norman had entered his home after a very mild day at the office. After greeting Norman with a gentle petting, he remembered that he had left some frozen chicken breast to defrost. Looking at his clock, he noticed that it was almost dinner time. He knew eating so close to bedtime was ill-advised and thought it best to start the cooking process. He placed a water-filled pot on the stove and turned the heat to medium, not too low or too high. He began to think of how nice his poached chicken breast would taste and cracked a slight smile at the very thought. After a few minutes, he noticed that the water was still cool. He realized that the stove must be broken. Norman began to look for an alternative. He thought of the microwave because he had just cleaned the inside and didn't want to dirty it up again so soon. It was getting late and Norman began to worry. Norman's eyes caught the top of the refrigerator and saw a medium-sized box pushed to the back. It was the George Foreman grill, given to him by his Office's Secret Santa a few years back. He had never had a BBQ before, and was unsure of his abilities. Checking the clock and seeing no other option, he unpackaged the George Foreman grill, read the instructions carefully, and plugged the device in. He let it warm to the optimum temperature and proceeded to place the chicken breast on the device. He closed the top and, as the chicken began to cook, noticed a pleasant smell in the air. Norman enjoyed the smell and couldn't believe the fun he was having at his BBQ. Even Norman showed interest, walking into the kitchen and resting by Norman's leg. The tiny orange cooking light on the device turned off and Norman new that it was time to remove the chicken. He let it cool so he would not burn himself, even though the smell of the recently cooked chicken breast had increased his desire to begin eating. After a few minutes, he began to cut the chicken into reasonably sized pieces and sat down to watch CSI. He briefly entertained the thought of inviting Lisa over for his next BBQ, before getting distracted by CSI's theme song.

Submitted February 23, 2016 at 03:57AM by SmurfLobster lifeofnorman

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