Tuesday, February 23, 2016

TIFU by spilling $50 worth of cheese tifu

Obligatory "This didn't happen today, it happened 2 months ago," but it just came into recent memory on how bad of a fuck up it was. So I work at a pizza place (not gonna say the name, since it isn't a chain and could easily be found). The 2 managers that mainly work there are huge cheapskates, and the owner is an even bigger one. So I was working my shift, and around 7 o'clock at night is when we change our ingredients from metal containers to plastic containers with lids. This is so we can put the ingredients in a refrigerator over night when we close. Normally, the girl who is closing on the pizza table does this. However, she had a long day and was tired, so me being the oven guy, I thought I could do something nice for her and change the table. I got through the meat and sauce and put it in the plastic container. Next were the veggies, piece of cake. Then I did the cheese. After I moved the cheese over, I hit the table, and the plastic container fell out through the table hole, and spilled all over the ground. Not let me remind you, cheese is fucking expensive. I spilled at least $50 worth of cheese all over the ground. Remember when I said my managers were cheapskates? The Sunday manager is the biggest one. He had us pick up the cheese and put it back in a container to be refrigerated and used later. So I guess it wasn't just me that fucked up in this situation.

TL;DR - Tried to be nice for a co-worker, but instead spilled shit loads of cheese all over the ground, and my manager still saved it for later use.

Submitted February 23, 2016 at 09:58PM by Shabingo http://ift.tt/21o5vr7 tifu

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