Tuesday, February 9, 2016

List Makers Unite! or Nesting Jobs BabyBumps

I am a big time list maker. Grocery lists, to do lists, Goodreads, etc. It helps me to feel more organized, and more relaxed. So, I have started making a list of things I would like to do cleaning wise before baby gets here. It includes things that I have been putting off, or that I know I won't get around to for that fun fourth trimester.

Here is a few things from the list: *Clean under the living room furniture *Wash the curtains *Clean refrigerator shelves *Wipe down walls and baseboards

What are some chores/cleaning jobs on your to do lists?

Submitted February 10, 2016 at 09:12AM by candle1983 http://ift.tt/1Sf3g7M BabyBumps

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