Saturday, February 20, 2016

I have $12.50 to last me, potentially, until Wednesday. What to buy? What to make? EatCheapAndHealthy

EDIT: OOPS, I meant this has to last my fiancee and me until FRIDAY potentially. Not Wednesday.

Hey, guys!

So, I already have two pounds of ground beef, about two pounds of pork chops, a bunch of butter and rice (5-7lbs worth!), about 10 cans of tuna, pasta, pasta sauce, tomato sauce, and some canned beans, peas, dried lima beans, dried split peas, and dried black beans to name a few. So it's not like I have nothing to start with! Whew.

What else should I buy to go along with this? And are there any recipes you guys would recommend? What about recipes that keep well for a few days in the refrigerator? Slow cooker and soup recipes are especially welcomed! I'm trying to avoid making chili though. It's something I make so often that I can no longer eat it all. Not good for my budget!

I have a decent collection of spices, but I think I've done enough listing for you guys. Thank you so much, and I look forward to hearing your suggestions!

Note: I am not a picky eater, but I will be cooking dinner for a somewhat picky (doesn't like his veggies) eater.

Edit 2: I would like to have enough for two meals a day, with a decent sized dinner for my boyfriend who only eats dinner or will take his lunch.

Submitted February 20, 2016 at 07:32PM by holographicbiologist EatCheapAndHealthy

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