Saturday, February 20, 2016

Norman gets lemonade lifeofnorman

Norman found himself standing in front of the refrigerator doors of his local gas station. On his way home from work, he had decided to stop for a quick soft drink.

After about 90 seconds of contemplation, walking up and down the aisles, glancing from this colorful label to that, he settled on a bottle of lemonade. I could do with a change of pace, he figured; Norman usually goes for Coke, but his desire to switch things up a bit coupled with the 30 cent price disparity in favor of the lemonade, lead him to a different choice than usual. Norman swiftly payed for his drink and left the building.

Less than ten steps had Norman taken from the swinging glass doors of the gas station, lemonade in had, did his breast swell with such a wave of regret as none he had ever known. With his whole being, his body ached to turn around, run back into the store, buy a coke, and throw the lemonade to the hell that it deserved.

Why, why, why did I ever think this was a good choice... damn the lemonade--damn it to hell! I wanted something with carbonation, something with fizz, a proper soda... why couldn't I just buy the damn Coke!? Like I always do!

Norman looked about himself. He was sweating. The cashier was looking at him through the dirty, smeared window of the gas station. What's happened to me? he thought. It's just a drink... hmm... must have been Norman. His recent passing away has really shaken me, hasn't it. Maybe I should talk with Lisa about it.

After a brief moment, Norman composed himself and continued on his way.

Submitted February 20, 2016 at 09:35PM by Felkums lifeofnorman

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