Saturday, February 20, 2016

[M/d] My Chinese girlfriend's mom and her vibrator incest

Hi, this is the next part of what I started in this thread... I'm so sorry, still more to come. :(

I don't remember exactly what happened after Fei bought the vibrator... But I do remember being unsure for a time whether she'd actually given it to her mom. I know she did, eventually, obviously, but I don't remember now exactly how long after it was. We didn't really talk about what she was going to do and I felt like it was really not best to be pushy about anything. I don't remember seeing the vibrator around after the next day or so. At some point we did agree it was OK for her to actually say to her mom that she had told me about how she had bought the vibrator, and I think she said she was going to try intimate somehow that I didn't think it was weird, or, I guess, that I was just ... Cool with knowing this inappropriate fact about her? That it wasn't something that should be bad to know, or something?

What I do remember is that Fei was a total type A person and filled her schedule way more than I ever could my own. She frequently worked late nights, as well. And so it was that, one night, not long after she initially presented me with the vibrator that she'd give her mother, I was home at my normal time (which I imagine is a little late for most people? 9:00 or so, probably?), but Fei was not expected for at least a few hours. So I was in the kitchen, probably cooking something, and her mom came out in a nightgown, if I remember correctly.

That wasn't particularly unusual, since there were many times where she wanted to make a point of showing me something, or she had bought something (I dunno, ice cream, or something) and wanted to make sure we noticed so we could have some if we wanted it. Usually she'd be out and then go straight back to bed. This night, I don't remember whether she had a point to come out, but she definitely stayed to talk.

I remember that the kitchen area was relatively cramped; a little corridor separated off from the living room by a long breakfast bar/countertop, and there weren't really any lights on in the house except the overhead ones in the kitchen. There was a hallway next to the refrigerator, at the "entrance", halfway down which was a bathroom, and at the end of which was her mom's room. Fei's mom had been in the bathroom, showering, when I started prepping dinner, and I think she had gone down to her room for a time, and then come out.

Anyway, she was in a really good mood, and she was telling me about something which I totally don't remember now. Now, I said before how I never really talked to Fei's dad, which is true, but I didn't frequently engage in any long discussions with her mom either (unless you're measuring "long" solely in relativity to the complete non-interactions I had with her dad). So I'd really only "talked to her" one on one a handful of times, despite living with her, if you exclude all the "Hello" and "How are you? Good? Good." conversations we had.

Again, dunno what we were talking about, but she clearly was just in a good mood to talk, and I had nothing better to do while cooking. I regret that I don't remember much specifics on what she was wearing, except that it was something not particularly notable -- shapeless, probably -- that you'd wear when you were getting ready for bed after showering.

I noted, however, that when we were joking around, and she'd laugh, it really did just melt years off her face. She was kind of a Tiger Mom, I got the impression, normally. It sounds like she was pretty strict with Fei when she was a kid (in a way that I actually don't think was very cool, but I'm not Asian, so what do I know?), and even around the house, she always kind of looked like she was carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. I feel like her brow was always furrowed, even though whenever Fei would make any exaggerated facial expression (a pout, a grin), her mom would immediately paw a finger at Fei's face and remind her that she would "get wrinkles".

So it was especially pleasant to see her smile and laugh. She was facing outward (toward me) with her back to the counter, looking straight ahead, lost in thought, but idly pushing her hands on the surface behind her, down by her waist, to kind of lift herself up so her butt would be almost on the countertop, and then back down again. It was really playful and cute, and she looked happy. I remember her specifically saying the word, "Yep!" a couple times in response to a few questions, with this really proud tone of voice, like a little kid. I wish I remembered what we were talking about.

Fei's mom just seemed a little more open after that. Or maybe not; I don't know. Maybe it was just the placebo affect. There was another night that Fei was out where I remember her mom asked me to come into her room to help her with something on the computer. I wonder if it could've possibly been the same night ... I feel like things were moving relatively fast at that time, and it's not like Fei worked late THAT often.

Anyway, I don't think I'd ever been actually past the threshold to her room before. There was something wrong with the Internet, or probably Skype or something, and so I told her that I'd look at it, so she sat me down at a little chair in her room, and she had her laptop open for me to try to work on. I remember things were taking a little while because her Windows version had everything in Chinese.. (It's actually not terrible if you have an idea of what you're doing and infer that the "OK" and "Cancel" buttons are always in the same place no matter what language.) But I remember her kind of standing beside me and -- she's short, mind you -- just kind of hovering around, like, leaning in, watching what I'm doing and trying to be helpful, and asking me questions.

It was really appealing, in a way, to feel like I was impressing a female. I mean, once you're in a long term relationship for more than a couple months, you do sort of settle into a groove. So it felt like flirting, just a tiny bit, to have Fei's mom buzzing about, eager to figure out how I'm fixing her computer. Especially given what I knew (and, I guess, what she knew I knew) about her "personal habits".

At some point, the vibrator did come up again. I don't remember how long after it was (or really how often Fei and I were having sex) but I know that talk about her mom eventually started getting incorporated into dirty talk ... and Fei was a prolific dirty talker when we were having sex. As things were getting hot, she would begin by asking if I was thinking about her mom, and I would probably ask something like, "Do you want me to be thinking about your mom?" and she would respond, "Do you want to put your cock into me, like she's doing with the dildo?"

It was crazy hot... And I guess it seemed OK to push further. We got to that point where you're just saying whatever filthy thing comes to mind, and I asked her if she would put the same dildo -- the one that her mom had just used -- into her own pussy, and because you're both being filthy, she said she would. I fucked her hard, and I came quickly.

This was actually OK, because Fei -- God bless her -- was really easy to please. I guess she took charge of her own sexuality, unlike most every girl I've been with, and although it was not really 100% ideal for me, she was usually happy to make me cum first, and then we'd finish her up. Fei could stay horny for as long as she wanted, really, and when she was ready, there were two tricks to finishing her off. For one thing, pressing two or three fingers of one hand on the lower part of her tummy, right above her mons veneris, would hasten any orgasm. Otherwise, though, I could simply bend my knee and prop up one leg, and Fei would literally press as closely to me as she could and just rub her slit against my leg until she came. This was especially useful because, I'll admit, I get really fucking sleepy after cumming, and this was an easy compromise to make everybody happy.

So usually Fei would also ask me to keep talking dirty to her after I came, which could sometimes be tricky... But this time I just persisted with the talk about the vibrator and it seemed to be getting her off quite quickly. Because I had already cum, though, I had a little less urgency to my talk though, and I started probing to see what she'd say.

At some point, I asked Fei how she was going to get her mom to let her put the vibrator in her and, amid gasping thrusts, as her pussy dripped sweet juices down my shin, she simply said, "I'll just ask her for it. I'll tell her you want me to use it."

Submitted February 20, 2016 at 01:46PM by throwafei2 incest

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