Wednesday, September 6, 2017

TIFU: I shot my revolver through my living room wall, into the kitchen and shot my refrigerator dead. tifu

I just finished installing Starcraft II after not playing for a few months. After a few Co-Op commander games, I tried the Mutation game; Then I proceeded to lose several games in a row. Playing James Raynor, I finally won a game. and to celebrate i got out what I thought was an empty revolver and fired it forward. After the gun shot, I quickly removed the shell and locked my gun away and then I went outside to confront my neighbors who are now standing outside staring at my house. Thinking fast I bring out my pressure cooker and say "Wow, I just dropped my pressure cooker..." And they quickly believe my lie. After that, i quickly traveled to Lowe's home improvement store and purchased things to fix the holes. When I returned home there were 3 police vehicles parked near my house, I thought it was all over. But it was just my neighbors again having a domestic dispute. I used white tape and covered the bullet holes in the fridge and threw away the frozen grapes the bullet had ended up. Bought new grapes, However... this morning when my wife told me the refrigerator wasn't working, I said i'd have a friend from work look at it. She went to work and I just bought a new fridge from lowe's. I rented a truck and brought it home, assembled it, and now waiting to plug it in. This is the absolute worse thing I have ever done in my entire life. I am horribly ashamed and I will take this secret to my grave.

TL;DR I shot my refrigerator and now I spent my entire day off covering it up.

Submitted September 06, 2017 at 08:17PM by HitManSWAGGA tifu

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