Monday, September 4, 2017

my official call for assistance Breadit

All right, I'm officially calling for help to the /r/Breadit Gods.

I started my sourdough starter on July 29. It has been going well and was kept on the counter for about the first two weeks with daily feedings. It passed the float test and was doubling in size in 3-6 hours on August 11 so I felt it was ready to live in the fridge with weekly feedings. Starter is 100% hydration.

These are the notes I have taken for my first 4 loaves and thus far I have not been particularly successful, though my results are varying and I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong.

Loaf #1 - August 12
I'm honestly not sure if my starter was vigorous enough at this point. I used this recipe:

This is how they turned out:

The taste was actually pretty good but it was hard as a rock, flat, and dense. I made two boules and they were both thrown away after tasting though in retrospect I could have used them for croutons or breadcrumbs.

Here's my starter on August 19 at 8AM, and again at 11AM:

Loaf #2 - August 20
I used this recipe:

I cut the recipe in half because I didn't want to waste twice as many ingredients until I figure out what I am doing wrong. I am measuring in grams, for what it's worth.

This is how it turned out:

It was slightly better in terms of rise. I had unexpected company this day and totally forgot to check on it and I think it may have overproofed. I did not take a crumb shot but this whole loaf, despite still being flat, was delicious and we ate the whole thing ;) The right side spread out almost like a cookie and was thin and hard but the rest of the loaf was okay.

Loaf #3 - August 26
Again I used the same KA Extra Tangy Sourdough recipe. I figured I should probably stick with one recipe and keep trying rather than continually switching up my recipe, especially since Loaf #2 was made while distracted and entertaining a guest.

This is how it turned out:

Definitely the best of them so far, I was very careful with watching my time. This one actually rose very well but I struggled with scoring and it had a very pale crust. Due to the burning of the first two loaves, I used a lower temperature (425 vs. 450) and did not preheat my dutch oven for this one. While I was very careful with my timing, I do think it may have been underproofed because I was anxious to get it in the oven.

Loaf #4 - September 3
Still using the KA Extra Tangy Sourdough recipe due to the success of Loaf #3. We had a major heat wave here in the Bay Area in CA and I probably shouldn't have baked but with the success of my last loaf (apart from the crust), I was so determined that I did anyway, using the same recipe but watching my final proofing more closely, using a better tool for scoring, and preheating my dutch oven again hoping for better oven spring. I honestly think that my kitchen may have been too hot because we do not have central A/C. The autolyse was done in the refrigerator overnight per the instructions but the rest was done at room temperature, bearing in mind that "room temperature" is probably in the low to mid-80's due to the heat. They are not as flat as loaf #1 and #2, but did not spring as much as loaf #3 like I expected. I baked for 25 minutes at 450 in a pre-heated dutch oven with the lid on, then removed the lid and baked for an additional 15 minutes. The second loaf I baked the same, but since the bottom was burnt on the first, I pulled it out of the dutch oven after the first 25 minutes and baked it directly on the oven rack for the last 15. Bottom was still burnt.

These are how they turned out:

When I took each one out of the proofing basket, they were definitely not as "firm" as Loaf #3, and they spread out quite a bit, so I had a feeling they might be flatter.

I'm fairly certain my starter is strong and vigorous. This is how the dough looked when I was getting ready to take it out of the bowl for the initial divide and shaping:

Thoughts? Opinions? Advise? :)

Submitted September 04, 2017 at 09:25PM by elevation24 Breadit

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