Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Frequent encounters with a ghost as a kid. Paranormal

This is a story I've wanted to tell for a while, every-time I've told it I've been laughed at and my story was disregarded, this is what happened to the best of my recollection.

When I was between six and eight my family and I moved into an apartment in a small town, it was a simple two apartment setup, we had neighbors but rarely ever spoke to them, they didn't stay long because the landlord wanted a lot of money for rent and it's not the nicest area to live in, so after awhile of neighbors coming and going the landlord said he'd raise the rent by around two hundred a month and we could take out the three boarded doors separating the two apartments. one was in the living room, middle bedrooms, and closet type room between the back bedroom and kitchen

Now to the encounters, they started before we opened up the apartment into one house, and I wasn't the only one who experienced anything.

The first few times I seen her she was a full blue apparition, she always wore an old time dress, which I guess is normal for ghosts to not change appearance please correct me if I'm wrong and it would always happen at night when I was laying in bed, it started with a knock on the window in my room, I would see her walk across the room into the boarded up door and would then become a blue fog on the wall and disappear, other nights it would be footsteps in the back bedroom which was beside mine that connected to the kitchen. things got weird when we opened up the rooms, the room beside mine became my play room where I had all my toys in it. I had a wine barrel that was converted into a chest that I kept all my toys in, It had a latch on it which is why I felt it was right to include this.

My dad wasn't the nicest person in the world and my brother usually stayed with my mom so it was me and my dad, some nights you could hear the chest open or the toys that were in the room were moved and some of them made noise, on these nights my dad got angry and would yell and throw things towards my play room it hit the wall between the living room and my bedroom telling me to go to bed because he could hear the noise, he never believed me when I told him it wasn't me, and he didn't believe me until I got a bank toy that was a small model of a bank and vault, the vault had an alarm on it and made noise it was a small set and was flat, but the vault was a separate piece that slid and locked into the set, there was a lever or button on top you had to move or push to get it to open, but opening it made the alarm go off until you shut it, one night I was in bed and heard the footsteps, they woke me up and I heard the set start to move, my dad apparently heard it too *the living room was beside the play room, just the opposite side I will do a crude drawing of the floor plan if wanted and he started to yell so I ran into the living room and he asked why I was playing with my toys and then he heard the alarm go off, he looked terrified, I remember his eyes widening and he acted calm as he put them up, nothing major happened for awhile, small things happened when I played, like my cars would stop when I pushed them and roll back to me with force, and sometimes when I was in my bedroom playing my game a toy car would roll into the room, this didn't happen much but enough to the point I remember it and that it happened quite a few times, on to the breaking point, one night it was late and my dad was in the living room as usual and as it was a school night I was in bed, we heard a loud bang and I yelled for him, he heard it too and went to see what it was, it was the back bedroom behind mine he walked into there and nothing was missing or misplaced, he proceeded into the kitchen and got himself something to drink and on his way back the refrigerator opened, he shut it and was walking through the back bedroom and then there was a loud banging noise on the bed, he said he felt something looking at him and it freaked him out, as he walked through my room the lock on the window was being moved, not really moved but was like somebody had their hand on it and was sliding it back and fourth without actually unlocking it, at this point he was genuinely freaked out and we went to my grandmas, things like that kept happening for around two weeks, his drinks would slide off his table, the windows in his room When he finally got it, he slept on the couch so me and my brother would have our own room until we opened up the apartment would move at night like somebody was putting force on it trying to raise it, but it was locked so it was the sound of the lock smacking itself for a few times, the TV would turn on, small things like that became ever more common, we moved not long after the activity started picking up, I think the place isn't lived in now, I ride past when I have to go to the other side of town and the yard is grown up and the house looks like it's falling in.

I will be here to ask questions for awhile and some tomorrow, I have the login to this throwaway saved so I can login to check every so often, feel free to ask anything and I will try my best to answer your questions.

Submitted September 05, 2017 at 08:23AM by ParanormalThrowawayJ http://ift.tt/2xLeJFd Paranormal

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