Tuesday, September 5, 2017

CMV: Humans are approaching our limits in terms of technology and science changemyview


This article can articulate it better than I ever could.

But I'll be blunt. Technology is not helping us the way it did before.

USB flashdrives are 1000x more efficient than before? But how does that really help our lives? Cloud computing and smartphones? Only a marginal boost in terms of human qol.

Arguably, qol for most people was achieved decades ago. Humanity is seeing its limit. We've hit all the low hanging fruit in terms of technology and science.

We have more scientists and engineers than ever. 100 years ago Silicon Valley didn't exist. We have companies worth 100s of billions that only marginally improve our lives. Electric cars might seem like a revolution, but it won't revolutionize the world. its only an evolution. The ICE was an actual revolution.

Facebook is the most notorious example of this. So many smart people and money is invested into that...but does it really improve human lives?

And before you say all of these things do improve human lives, just remember, there were inventions like penicillin and electricity which pushed humanity much further.

Humans simply are not smart enough to advance technologically anymore. We've picked the low hanging fruits, and now we are struggling with getting actual difficult technology. Like AI and real space travel.

1900s we had refrigerators, cars, airplanes, nuclear technology, space travel, etc

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Submitted September 06, 2017 at 06:50AM by Rrrdude http://ift.tt/2x8yWri changemyview

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