Wednesday, August 23, 2017

TIFU by placing our cat in the microwave tifu

As obvious as the eclipse that just occurred, this happened a few years ago when I was still a kid.

I came home feeling all tired and bored after a long day at school, yearning for a cup of milk and just an hours worth of rest. The first thing I see when I enter the living room is our cat, sleeping on the couch; I start petting it thinking, what have you been up to lazy bones?

I don't know why, but I decided to carry it to the kitchen with me to get my cup of milk. The first thing you'd notice as you enter is the microwave placed beside the refrigerator. As soon as I see the microwave, I started thinking, what would happen if I placed the cat in there and warm it?

The young mad scientist inside me came from the other end of the spectrum, thinking, "Why not?"

Y'all can guess what happened next. I placed the cat inside it and turned the microwave on. Pressed MICRO, 5, no 6, 7, 8.... 10 seconds. Then eagerly mushed the START button.

The first 4 seconds were nothing out of the ordinary. Cat turns around inside, with a look that said, what the hell is this contraption you've locked me in? On the 6th second though, she started screaming and squealing, and I, being the kind hearted soul I thought I was, quickly let her out before something bad happened.

A week went by and I didn't tell anyone about what I'd done – nothing diverse had happened to the cat, right? – but things started unfolding then. Our cat started losing fur, acted sickly, and one month later, passed away.

To this day, I'm still afraid of owning a pet. And I still feel bad for what my past self did, stupid past self.

TL;DR: I placed our cat in the microwave and warmed it for about ten seconds; cat loses fur over time and dies one month later.

Submitted August 23, 2017 at 01:36PM by darkvibes tifu

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