Sunday, August 20, 2017

Spouses who are seemingly CLUELESS about wood (e.g., tables and hardwood floors): What do? HomeImprovement

I swear my husband can't be trusted around wood. For the second time in four days, he's ruined something.

1: A few days ago, the husband sat a bag of plumbing bits on an end table in the living room. I was cleaning up the living room, picked up the bag, and saw that the finish of a 2" x 2" section of the table was ruined. Sanding and refinishing that end table is now an item on my to-do list.

2: Today, the husband had a bowl of soup for lunch. He nuked the soup in the microwave, and apparently used a dampish kitchen towel as placemat while eating at our dining table. He effectively steamed a white ring into our antique dining table.

I have zero desire to refinish our antique dining table, and even less of a desire to pay a pro to do it for us. I'm furious.

He clearly lacks intuition for taking care of wood, but he's not completely unteachable. I was finally able to drill it into his head that it was NOT acceptable to kick ice under the refrigerator when it falls from the ice dispenser onto our hardwood floors (previous owners chose hardwood for the kitchen flooring).

Is it really possible that someone with a perfect 4.0 GPA as an engineering major, who went on to get a PhD, etc., can be so fucking clueless when it comes to dealing with wood???

Submitted August 21, 2017 at 06:46AM by FrogPaperweight HomeImprovement

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