Monday, August 21, 2017

NY- Landlord wants to reclaim an amenity in my apartment legaladvice

Hi, I'm hoping someone can clarify where the law stands on this, I've looked through all the info I could find and have not been able to make heads or tails of things. I am a tenant in a rent stabilized apartment in NYC.

My landlord failed to provide heat last winter and instead provided a window aircon/heater unit after a few months of all us tenants complaining and filing for rent reductions. The contractor who installed my unit in February gave me verbal affirmation that the installation was permanent. At the time I was happy to have any heat at all and didn't question the info the contractor gave me. The contractor removed my air conditioning unit in order to instal the new unit.

This week my management company emailed me requesting that I allow access to my apartment so they could remove the heater/aircon unit they had installed. There was no agreement that the installation was temporary, and regardless the unit was installed 6 months ago. I am wondering if the heater/aircon unit is now considered an amenity in my apartment, similar to my refrigerator or dishwasher. I have no intention of moving and taking the unit with me, just as I wouldn't move and take the fridge with me.

tl:dr- Landlord installed a heater/aircon unit over the winter and now wants to take it back 6 months later. Are they entitled to reclaim the unit?

Submitted August 22, 2017 at 02:26AM by nycrenterquestion legaladvice

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