Sunday, August 20, 2017

"Moo Moo" nosleep

This started since I was around ten. I had always found suspicion in normal things like creaks when home alone and bumps in the air vent- and my very sensitive hearing made it worse. By the time I was eleven I had come to the conclusion that someone else was in the house, someone that had been squatting there since a couple weeks after we moved in. My parents told me it was ridiculous; every night we'd have to go through the same routine of checking every room so I could sleep easy, and no one was ever there. That was, I thought.

When I was twelve, I discovered a small room off from my closet. There were exposed air vents and wires, probably just somewhere to hide guns or to do maintenance work on the electricity. There were a couple food wrappers back there, and that really made me freak out. That was when I got a bunk bed. That was when the noises started.

Every night, around 10:20, I would hear a cow moo. It seemed normal the first couple times, since we lived next to a cattle field. Then I discovered it would happen at the same time very night. The moo sounded muffled, like the small plushie of a cow I kept on my top bunk. "Moo Moo", it was aptly named, because apparently that's easier to say as a 1 year old than "cow". I still thought nothing of it, I just marked it off as the sleeping bag above it pressing down onto the little sound box. Then again, it happened near the same time every night.

One night, I tried going up to the top bunk and waiting. It didn't moo that night. Each night, it would get more and more muffled, which was probably the battery running out. The last night it happened was when I was 15. It never mooed again.

When I was ~23, I had completely forgotten about it. My parents were moving to Maine, and they had left me the house because all I had at the time was a shitty apartment. After my first night there, things got fucking weird. Everything I had placed the night before was all out of place. The refrigerator was left open all night (that may have been my fault). Everything was askew, and it scared the fuck out of me. Naturally, I called my parents about it. They were unhelpful; they didn't know what it was and they couldn't help either way. None of my very small group of friends happened to be in town. I had to sleep here again.

I covered myself in blankets, sheets, and pillows. As I got settled in, I waited about an hour before starting to drift off to sleep. It was really early to go to sleep for me, so I just messed with my phone for a while. At around 10:05 I got a call from an unlisted caller. Usually I don't answer them, but every once in a while I do just to humor myself. That was one of those times.

I answered, and heard nothing but very, very heavy breathing. It was unnerving, but it was hard for me to put the phone down for some reason. I sat there for like fifteen minutes before I was going to hang up. I moved my finger toward the end call button, but some heavy weight pressed down on my chest as I did, a feeling of dread. An immense fear. I hung up the call. There was a small rumble from the ceiling, probably just the train passing through the town. I turned my phone off and put it on the charger and started to go to sleep.

I woke up in a sweat. The closet door was open, and half the covers I had buried myself in were strewn all over the floor. Seemed legit. Got hot in the night, knocked off my blankets, one knocked open the closet door which was already cracked open a bit. It was then I heard the low grumble once again, and I knew something was wrong. I could faintly make out the sound of a moo. I barely slept that night.

When I woke up once again, everything in my room was askew for the second time, but worse. My entire childhood dresser was tipped over onto the old computer table, all the clothes in it all over the place. I had an urge to check the top bunk. In place of where all my old sleeping bags used to be, there was a single plush cow. And the indentation of a person. I dashed out of the door, I collected all my things, and I ran without looking back.

Days later, me and my friend decided to come back and get everything else. I canceled all payments on the house, since the cost was already paid off and electricity and water wouldn't be needed anymore. I didn't know who was in the house, but it was theirs now.

Submitted August 21, 2017 at 08:51AM by Derpillious nosleep

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