Saturday, August 19, 2017

I don't know how much longer I can do this. raisedbynarcissists

Let me start off my giving a brief overview of my screwed up life: To start with, I used to live in a house with my married parents and 4 siblings. On the outside you would never guess we were anything but a normal suburban family. They divorced, and what followed was my life going from bearable to horrible.

During my teenage years, ndad and mom divorced due to increased financial control, yelling, and overall abuse. I am currently 19, in college, living in the new home with older brother (independent), younger brother and sister who are supposed to receive child support. This used to work fine, but things changed several months ago.

You see, my mother cared for all of us for years. My older brother and I are now adults, and we cook for ourselves and do our part around the house, but our younger siblings are being neglected despite our efforts. She moved in with her boyfriend 6 months ago partly to avoid my ndad who visits daily and hounds her about money and all sorts of nitpicking. Now, with her gone, nobody cooks and the house has fallen apart.

So here we are, 6 months without a proper head of household. Mom told us that our dad would have to do the shopping, and he gets groceries sometimes, but right now we are next to starving due to his grudge against my mom. He keeps saying, "She has to buy groceries". So he is spiting all of us, but most importantly my younger brother and sister who don't even have a mother anymore. We don't even have basics like bread, eggs, butter and milk. We have half a gallon of milk and a few pieces of bread left. This is how it's been for over a week and I fear this is going to continue.

I am caught in a situation I never would have foreseen being in and it makes me so sad that this is how things are. My life was never perfect, but we made it work, and my mom's abandonment has slowly eaten my will to live away. I am self-diagnosed depressed, never feel secure because the pantry and refrigerator are empty, and it is not my responsibility to go grocery shopping as a poor student. I feel like my life is falling apart.

Submitted August 20, 2017 at 05:59AM by SoulofEmber raisedbynarcissists

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