Sunday, August 20, 2017

Help me come out the closet(refrigerator) fatpeoplestories

So check this out bro! I'm recently can to that fact that I'm trans-fat. So back round on this.

On day after dabbing my brains out on that cali-kush and pickled sausage. I came to thinking. If those gay-tranvesties get to claim they are a dude when they are a chick, or how they don't affiliate with their given gender. Can I do that with weight?? Like honestly out of all my friends I'm the biggest fat ass! Like major beetus and fat logic!! But I'm all honesty I'm pretty fit (150, 5'6" male) but I feel like a fat slob. I eat non-stop all day everyday, healthy food, junk food shit I'll eat dog food if I was high enough. But I just don't have the body of a hamplanet. Can I label myself as trans-fat?

I'm truely a gluttonous pig sometimes. But I'm still fit(stopped going to the gym last year but i bike like crazy)!

If I get high enough could I get some antifa SJW to fight for my right as a straight trans-fat male??

Some fat shit I do -I eat 3-8 slim jims a day -cook with lard -eat all day -I eat about 12 tortillas a day

Submitted August 21, 2017 at 12:41AM by mackosher415 fatpeoplestories

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