Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Silence and Footsteps nosleep

This is my first ever post so please tell me if I have it in the wrong place. Thanks

I guess I have to give a little bit of a back story so you can understand the story I’d like to tell today.

I grew up in rural long island, I lived on a private, dead end gravel road with only 3 houses at the time. My father had remarried to my wicked stepmother, and I was constantly doing my chores "wrong" according to her so there for I was always grounded.

When you are grounded in my family that consists of eating only PP&J and milk for all 3 meals while the family goes out to eat. When the rest of the family was out to eat my stepmother would chain lock the refrigerator closed, and shut off the electricity in the house so I couldn't put a light on and I would to go to bed.

Fast forward a few years of being grounded, I was pretty used to the routine. Come home from school, do my chores. Then sit at my desk by my window and either read, or stare out the window and day dream until I was told to come down and eat my PP&J dinner. Then it would be back up to my room and go to bed while the family went to the local burger place for dinner.

I can remember this day as clear as anything, I am currently 27 and this happened when I was around 15.

I came home from school and was sitting at my desk reading a book until I was called down for dinner. After I ate I went back to my room, but called Autumn and Lucky my two dogs to go to bed with me. After a little while my cats would come in too, this was my nightly routine at this point.

My family left a little while after to go to the burger place, but not before turning all the electricity out. As I heard the car crunching on the gravel down the road and out onto the main road, I pulled out the flashlight my friends gave me. Snuggled down with my dogs and the cats in my bed and picked up where I left off in my book.

I must have been reading for about 30 mins before I heard the noise of the basement door. I heard it open and close but like someone was trying to be quiet about it. At this point I was used to freaking myself out staying at the house without the electricity. (I think everyone when in complete darkness and silence can make themselves think they have heard something). My dogs hadn't even lifted their heads so I assumed I was freaking myself out again. Until I heard the creaking of the basement stairs like someone was walking up them slow to not make a lot of noise. Again I look at my dogs...nothing. Not even a flinch, my cats are fast asleep and nothing from them either. At this point i'm talking to myself to calm down and telling myself that the family is only normally gone for an hour. I only have 30 more mins to wait. At this point I have the covers pulled up to my eyes as i'm looking out into the completely black hallway to see if I see anything.

Then I heard the door to the basement open. Now I know i'm not imagining all of this, and if I was I needed to get checked. My dogs still aren't moving or even raising an ear! As I sit there in bed flashlight turned out for fear that I would be seen if it was on. Petting my dog as to ask her do you hear that too? I heard the steps moving across the floor to the stairs that lead to the bedrooms on the second floor. I heard the footsteps go up one of the 10 steps...two...three...four... and out of nowhere both my dogs and my cats jump up, the dogs barking their heads off go running for the stairs. I scream because other than the footsteps the house was completely silent, and that was shattered by the barking of my dogs. As soon as they go charging for the steps I hear a thunderous landing on the bottom step as if someone jumped down to it, and running towards the basement. The next thing I know the basement door is slammed shut and I'm calling my dogs back into the room with me. I slam my door and lock it and collapse onto my dogs crying.

About 20 mins later my family comes back home, and as soon as they walk into the house and turn the electricity back on I came running from my room with the dogs in tow. I told my father what happened and he played along and checked out the basement. When he came back up he shook his head at me and told me I was making up stories that everything was normal and the deadbolt was locked on the door.

I went back to my room and sat up with the lights on for what felt like forever, my dogs lying next to me on my bed. At this point it must have been about 1 am, I hear a car coming down from my private dead end gravel road. Now having only 3 houses including mine on my street you get familiar with what cars come and go and who drives what. I run to my light switch and turn the light out to get a better look at the car driving by. It was a big black truck with the headlights turned off creeping down the road slowly. I have never seen this truck come up my block before, I haven't even seen this truck around our small town. I started to think of what my dad said that the deadbolt was still locked. It occurred to me that maybe I heard the door slam but I didn't hear anyone running into the woods that was my yard. At that point I knew whoever was chased to my basement had not left until now. I took Autumn and Lucky with me down to the basement and checked the deadbolt on the door....unlocked. I locked it and ran up to my room locked my door and got into bed. Needless to say when I told my dad the next day what I saw he told me stop making up stories. He did change the deadbolt though.

Till this day I still have no idea who came into my house and what they wanted. All I know is I never want to find out.

Submitted May 24, 2017 at 10:04PM by lorlor3663 nosleep

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