Friday, May 26, 2017

Should I pay the last $400 I owe to this private dealership? personalfinance

Short version: Bought a lemon from a dealership which was a private transaction that involved no banks or credit checks. Was not required to give my SSN.

The owner knew the car was a lemon and willingly sold it to someone who was vulnerable and desperately needed a car.

It only good ran for about 7 months before leaking issues overtook the car.

I owe them $400 but am holding a personal grudge against the guy as he basically fucked me. This was about a year and half ago and I now know way better.

That being said, I don't think there's anything they can really do about it besides try to call me from restriced #s (which they have tried), should I pay them?

The car is somewhere in a junk yard, and is probably a refrigerator by now.

Submitted May 27, 2017 at 02:16AM by ReloadAnimation personalfinance

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