Monday, May 22, 2017

Fantasy/Alt Booking for Randy Orton Post-HOH SquaredCircle

As the main event came to an end last night, I couldn't help but dream...

What if, just before the three count, Chioda froze and the arena went dark for a Titantron video.

Randy was still under the refrigerator and trapped in the House of Horrors. Bray cuts a promo about the true nature of the HOH, a psychological prison designed to cripple the Viper by forcing him to live out his worst nightmare, constantly losing the belt to jobbers at every PPV.

The three count rings out and Jinder is the champion...

Cut to the Tuesday after Backlash, Smackdown cold opens with a promo of Orton waking up in his bed with the WWE Title. He has no idea what happened (he remembers Jinder triumphantly leaving Backlash with the Title).

At the arena, a strangely different Jinder (all of his back acne, neck veins, and Singh Bros. are mysteriously gone) is about to compete for the next #1 contender match. Orton confronts Jinder and concedes that the Title is now his.

Jinder spits in his face backstage and refuses to take the belt just before his music hits. He walks out and gets squashed by Aiden English.

The Rembrandt of Rage becomes the next character in Bray's RKO psychological torture.

Eventually, Randy begins to wise up to the trick over multiple PPV losses and has to wake up from the dream by giving himself an RKO out of nowhere.

Then you finally see him get free of the refrigerator and hitch-hike back from the House of Horrors, still the champion.

Submitted May 22, 2017 at 09:28PM by iammatthines SquaredCircle

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