Saturday, August 20, 2016

Please Get Your Head Out of Your Ass breakingmom

I really just need to get this out of my system before I kill him. Advice would be helpful, but I'm not up for divorce or leaving, and I can't afford to move. TL/DR Dear husband, our landlord is not our friend because reasons, the end

Dear DuH,

I don't know how else to say this to you. We've been together for a long while now, and I keep talking and you keep shutting me down. Please listen to me, just for once. Please.

OUR LANDLORD... IS NOT... OUR FRIEND. She. Is. Not. Our. Friend. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not. Not even remotely.

She IS, however, a world-class manipulating cunt whose entire bottom line is about how to separate us from our money as much and as frequently as she can, while simultaneously avoiding spending as little of her money as possible ON as little as possible on our domicile. THIS IS A BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP. SHE IS VERY GOOD AT IT, AND YOU ARE NOT.

The things you just don't want to hear, because she discovered how to abuse your white-knight character flaw, WILL COST US EVERYTHING, FOREVER. I don't know what to say, or how to say it. I don't give flying fuck about her sob stories and pathetic miserable life of wealthy, Scroogelike woe, because she doesn't give a flying fuck about US.

Shall I refresh your memory? Shall I start with the collapsing ceilings, which could have killed someone and were sagging for WEEKS? Shall I talk about the hospital trips for our children's asthma attacks when the basement is flooded for five days because she "can't get to it right now?" Should I mention the time she stated that I "LET" our youngest child "eat paint chips" from the never re-painted windows? What about the rug with one side cut out for black mold, and the other side cut for the leaking radiator when our seventy year old boiler burst? What about the five months of requesting a receipt for cash paid, and then you gave up and six months later she told us we never paid it and we had no proof, so we had to pay the rent AGAIN? Seven written requests for an exterminator in the same summer?? Do you not remember waiting three years to get a window replaced while paying double the heat all year to cover the expense of it leaking? Do you like having an old sheet instead of a bathroom door? I know you were mostly sleeping through the Hurricane Sandy incident where I was emptying 19 gallons of water in an hour from the leaking wall above our sink while simultaneously splitting the nebulizer between two wheezing children, but do you honestly NOT recall her telling me that it making them sick is "NOT [HER] PROBLEM?" What about all the food we've had to throw out from getting moldy in the cabinets? What about the two weeks without a functional stove, TWICE? What about the illegal electrical panel? The knob-and-tube wiring, the burning wood smell, the sockets that we can't use, the crappy $3 extension cord that our stove is hooked up to? How about the broken ceiling fans that were here when we moved in, but she won't replace because a previous tenant installed them? What about the demands for more and more rent, late fees, and adding to our security balance to match the new rent level, which is not even legal?? Demanding that we not plant a garden or have a swimming pool in the yard, then demanding cash to cover the excess water when we point out that the lease provided access to outside water? Charging all the tenants a water surcharge while a sink doesn't shut off in a vacant apartment and she refuses to call a plumber for FOUR YEARS??? And she still refuses to remove the water surcharge now that it's fixed! Do we want to talk about the mold-filled refrigerator in the vacant apartment across the hall that she refuses to remove?? And opens every time she comes here?? Does she think the mold magically went away???? Lets discuss the sagging floors with no basement support. Lets talk about the crushed security fence outside our first-floor bedroom window with the unlit, urban parking lot next to it. Lets talk about the rats, and the mice, and the diner dumpsters, and the fuckhole that took a crap outside our window, and SHE ASKED YOU TO CLEAN IT UP. Lets discuss the perpetual water in the walls and basement. Please, please, please. TELL ME HOW TO SAY THESE THINGS TO YOU FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME.


I do not know what else to say, or how to say it. Should I ask questions? Should I mention the ten times I asked her to stop buying you bottles of alcohol because you pick fights when you drink? Should I wonder aloud about the dozens of hours you spent painting an apartment with her a few years ago? Should I even go there? It's the only explanation I've got and I don't want to touch it, but what choice are you leaving me?

Every time I bring any of this up, you tune me out/shut me down/start yelling at me and gaslight me into a defensive corner.

What do we do when she brings the bill to YOU??

Please, get your head out of your ass for fuck's sake. You're giving her the means to destroy us, and that is exactly what she is going to do. Please. Before it is too late.


Your Tired Wife

Thank you for letting me shout down the well at midnight.

edit: added tl/dr at top

Submitted August 20, 2016 at 08:04PM by BroMalt breakingmom

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