Thursday, June 16, 2016

Uncharacteristic hiding snake. Please help. snakes

Ive had my pueblan milk for a few months and he's been great. But I have noticed that going on a week now, he hasn't left his tree hide. There is a hole on the bottom and he is actually in the part that is hollowed out instead of the hide area that you can see him. I can pick up the tree and see him in there but the hole is too small for me to get my fingers in to get him out. Usually he's always out in the afternoon chilling or crawling at night but I haven't seen him. I tried feeding him last night but he didn't take it. He usually is grabbing the mouse within 15 minutes even if he is in his tree. The only difference in his patterns is a few days before I stopped seeing him, he got loose overnight. I found him the next day under my refrigerator and put him back. I checked him and didn't see and cuts or marks. I'm worried that he might be sick or shaken up. Should I be worried about this behavior? Any advice on how to get him out or should I wait longer?

Submitted June 17, 2016 at 02:15AM by KudzuChimp snakes

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