Thursday, June 16, 2016

TIFU by giving my professor a heart attack tifu

This actually happened today.

So I do science research in a molecular biology lab, and that means that I have to grow human cells in plates. As you can imagine, that's pretty freaking unnatural, so it involves a lot of special substances. Well today after running some assays (tests) and feeding some cells I ran out of cell media (food for the cells). Here's where I start to fuck up.

My research mentor (basically my boss, I also take a ton of classes that he teaches) has this gigantic ring of keys to all the special freezers that we have that contain the chemicals that I need. These freezers are locked because the stuff inside is fantastically expensive.

So I ask him if I can use the keys and he says sure.

So I go to get the chemical in the locked freezer. Then I take the chemical and the ring of keys into this room called the "cold room" which is like a giant refrigerator that contains another chemical that I need. Except this time the cold room was restocked AND there's a bunch of cafeteria food in there because it's a convenient place to put it.

So I put the keys and the chemical down on a shelf and move a crap ton of boxes to get to the one that I want.


As I leave I take the two chemicals and FORGET THE KEYS. Then I went to class.

I came back to the lab later to finish up some stuff and my mentor looks at me with this "I'm gonna roast you" face.

Turns out he and the lab assistant spent an eternity freaking out looking for the keys. I got roasted in class. It was a pretty funny roast, to be honest though. I felt so bad for forgetting the keys and still do since I respect both my mentor and the assistant an unimaginably enormous amount.

Tdlr I forgot the keys to the crazy expensive chemicals and freaked my research mentor out (the guilt is eating me alive)

EDIT: I can't spell

Submitted June 17, 2016 at 02:15AM by throwaway3149268353 tifu

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