Monday, June 20, 2016

TIFU my day with a depressing breakfast. tifu

It was an ordinary Sunday morning. I got up at 8:35 a.m. (after hitting snooze a time or two) and crept out of bed to start my morning routine. It's basically the same every day: I roll from my bed at : o'clock depending on the shift I have to work, I pour myself a bowl of cereal, and I shower/ get ready for the day. After managing to wake up this sunday I stumbled to the kitchen and found that on the counter the gallon jug of milk had been left out to ferment in the typical lazy manner my young siblings always use. Today they had outdone their gluttony even further and left a mere 1/2 cm of milk on the bottom of the jug. Slightly annoyed, I got myself a bowl and chose a cereal. Honey bunches of oats was my choice of the day, because Great Value brand Cheerios and Grape Nuts sounded less than appetizing. I poured the cereal, and I poured the remaining amount of left-out milk. It wasn't much milk at all-- it was enough to seep into the flakes and oats of the cereal, but not enough to create a standing milk pool in the bowl. I went to the fridge to grab another jug of milk because I come from a large family and it's common for our house to have at least 4 jugs of milk, but there was no milk to be found. I made the trek to our other refrigerator in the garage to retrieve another jug but outside was vacant too. There was a terrifying moment of realization as I recognized that in order to refrain from wasting cereal, and in order for me to appease my morning stomach growls, I was going to have to eat the cereal I had poured up. I went back to the kitchen to see what I was up against. It was a terrible monster of a dish. You see, breakfast cereal is edible in two states: dry, or in a bowl of milk. What I had made was neither of these things. The miniscule amount of milk had been absorbed into the honey flakes and oats and became a blob of sad, disgusting cereal pulp, without a milky surrounding to make it bearable. It was undoubtedly one of the hardest times of my life, please send prayers and regards to me and and my family for the presentation of this disaster ever happening again. TL:DR: My morning cereal didn't get the proper amount of milk acceptable to be considered cereal.

Submitted June 20, 2016 at 02:47PM by Mr-Hubbs tifu

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