Wednesday, June 15, 2016

That amazing looking Detroit game has me interested in Heavy Rain. Does the PS4 still have glitches and whatnot? gaming

"PS4 version" is what I meant to type. Noticed this in the Eurogamer review:

Unfortunately, not every asset has been improved in the remaster. While the majority of the game operates in real-time, Heavy Rain does make use of pre-rendered videos in a number of key sequences. These videos appear to have been remade on PS4 at a higher resolution but the results are disappointing due to playback issues. Namely, these videos now exhibit screen tearing, judder, and severe macro-blocking. While the PS3 original makes use of 720p videos, the bitrate appears to be much higher while playback is more fluid. Effects work, such as motion blur, has even been toned down for reasons unknown - something that also applies to the few sections which employ motion blur in real-time.

Then we have a more serious concern - bugs. While playing through the PS4 version of Heavy Rain, we ran into a surprising number of show-stopping bugs and glitches. On first boot, we were presented with an uncomfortable strobing image effect. We squinted our eyes and attempted to push on only to be greeted with an introduction sequence where animations played back at, perhaps, five per cent of the intended speed. Blowing leaves visible just outside the window were updating at 30fps, but Ethan's animations juddered along in slow motion while text continued to flicker. A full reboot of the PS4 was necessary to overcome this. After discussing the game with someone else covering it, it became clear that we weren't the only ones to encounter this issue at startup.

Beyond that, there were numerous positioning and context bugs that popped up at various points. While attempting to feed Shawn early in the game, for instance, Ethan warped from the refrigerator over to the kitchen table and started vibrating wildly as the frozen pizza clipped through his left leg. We had to restart the entire scene to push beyond this. In other instances, characters would randomly warp to other rooms or areas when attempting to interact with something. In other instances, visual glitches would pop-up at random when transitioning between different camera angles.

Sounds...bad. Should I just get the PS3 version?

Submitted June 16, 2016 at 10:10AM by a_whiteroombyawindow gaming

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