Thursday, June 23, 2016

still deciding - Soylent first impression soylent

Just got my first batch of 1.5. Made it in the blender. 2 scoops, handful of ice, bring it up to 500mL with water.

Observations - too viscous so I added more water to bring total volume up to 1000mL. Neutral flavor (not good or bad), somewhat gritty, very filling, not too heavy in the stomach. I was hungry when I made the shake and am not at all hungry now. 350mL of shake remains in the refrigerator.

I'm still deciding if I like this. First impression - this is okay but not great. I will stick with it for a week and see if it grows on me.

Summary - 2 scoops in blender, handful of ice, add water to 1000mL total volume, acceptable to ingest

Submitted June 23, 2016 at 10:39PM by digitalpocketwatch soylent

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