Thursday, June 16, 2016

Now who's King of the grapes? pettyrevenge

My wife used the last of the grapes when making her lunch. My lunch went grapeless, I wanted grapes in my lunch too but I didn't say anything 'cause I didn't want to seem petty. Later she wrote 'grapes' on a grocery list, and since I work near the grocery store where we shop, it's my job to pick up the groceries. I got home with the groceries before her, so i cut the grape bunch in half and hid one of the halfs behind some beer in refrigerator. I am a short guy but she is even shorter and will never see the grapes. Once the other half is used up, I'll be having grapes in my lunch for days and snickering at her short grapeless ass.

Submitted June 17, 2016 at 07:16AM by DayOfTheDonut pettyrevenge

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