Thursday, June 23, 2016

A Guest in My Own Home nosleep

So, I have been a bit nerve wracked and consumed with paranoia recently. I've always considered myself to be a very calm and collected person you see, but within a few days, I've found myself strangely slipping away... I've figured that maybe relaying my situation to some other people might serve as some sort of aliment to my sense of solitude in this whole ordeal, but we'll see. Now, allow me to explain my situation that has happen over the last few days and a bit of background:

I live close to a rather small town, and otherwise the closest patch of civilization that is anywhere remotely large is over an hour away. Also, the neighborhood I live in is about 15 minutes from our small town with little more than a couple of gas stations and a few local restaurants, this makes our neighborhood rather remote, as I hope you can imagine. Despite our isolation from civilization, I live in a very nice neighborhood surrounded by miles of thick forest and the occasional farmland. In fact, likely this is the nicest neighborhood in our area of beloved druggies, outcasts, and hide-away criminals. Which means that, because of the criminals in the area, our neighborhood is often unfortunately subject to many acts of theft and robbery by desperate people hoping to take from those in the better off neighborhoods. And, as a result of our crime problem, many years ago the neighborhood invested in some much needed street lights. However, as the lights are paid for by the people of the neighborhood, this means following the many years of their good use, when many of the residents stopped pitching in to keep the lights on in the area, the streets are now only partly lit-up with about 1/3 of the street lights actually in use. Now, one of these active street lights is in front of my house, which I'm quite happy for, even though all that is dimly illuminated is the small one-lane road and a bit the immense forest in front of my house.

The first night when my life went to Hell was only about 5 days ago. Since I'm an avid night-owl, and I love to be awake into the early hours of the morning, I usually find myself fetching a late night snack whenever I grow hungry. On this particular night I was upstairs alone in my bedroom reading a novel, however, like most nights I began to yearn for a light snack before reading onward. So, I came out of my room as usual, making my way into my home's foyer, and as I begin to go down my stairs to head to the bottom floor, I quickly noticed my home's outside lights from the large window on my door. The odd thing was that these particular outside lights are only activated by sensors when someone, or something, walks down the walkway to my front door at the later hours of the evening or at night, and they usually turn back off after a few minutes of no detected movements. My initial reaction when coming down was something of the sort of "It's probably just an animal lurking about that's turned on the lights". Though, when I reached the foot of the steps, I noticed my cat awake almost waiting for me, and he was unusually vocal and somewhat clingy. Just to be clear, he's never like this, and prefers to keep to himself, so I of course found this very odd, though I blew it off as him just being weird. When I reached the kitchen in the darkness I quickly shuffled to my refrigerator to somehow quell my hunger, but a few seconds into browsing, I notice a low growling coming from the living room. It was my dog. I stand there listening for a moment, my dog almost giving off this defensive growling sound, like there is some present danger. My dog is usually a quiet and loving, which made this all feel so off. I shuffled through the darkness, following my dog's growl, to find him barely illuminated by the light coming from the outside walkway through the window. His nose was almost up against the glass of the window, and he was in a defensive position, as if he'd been backed into a corner or something. My immediate response was to of course witness what he was snarling at. As I peered out into the night, only lit up by my walkway lights and the singular street lamp, at first, I didn't notice anything. At first. After my eyes somewhat adjusted to the darkness of the outside, and I became more aware of the treeline in front of my house, I noticed something. It looked to be a couple of people, from what I could see, most likely two men from somewhat seeing their stature and build, covered in black. When I noticed them, I felt an immense feeling of dread come over me, like I was being sent off to die. Initially, I didn't think they saw me peering at them through the window, but one man, I swear, I could feel his cold sharp eyes staring into mine, like he knew every fear that I have ever had, or could ever have. I wanted to scream, I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I was paralyzed by shock, fear, and dread. Fear, of what these men, cloaked in darkness, under the veil of the night had in mind of what they could do to me, my pets, and my home. After an eon of frozen time, I made a quick move. I jolted in the darkness struggling to find the light switch to my living room, after I turned on the lights, I grabbed the phone and called the police. I told them that there were two strange men lurking outside of my house. They sent a policemen over, in a record time of only 40 minutes. But by then, they were long gone, the lights from my walkway long extinguished, and the outside of my house returned to only being illuminated by the singular street lamp, where close by I'd seen then the men. The police weren't much help, saying that if nothing actually happened that there wasn't much they could do. Great... I didn't get much sleep that night, I was up until the light of dawn, when I finally felt safe enough to fall asleep.

The day following that night was rather uneventful, other than the constant cycle of that memory of the two figures I'd seen. It just didn't make any sense. There was no reason for normal people to be out so late, so far away from any sort of town at all. That night was one I dreaded when it came. I had no intentions to sleep, and I decided to keep my pets with me in my room. However, I felt drawn to leave my room. Compelled by the fear of leaving the remainder of my house unattended. It was that which made me leave my room, to go to the foyer and peer through the window of my door. I wish hadn't. I didn't see anyone, but the sensor lights to the walkway were on again. After that, I ran into my room and locked the door, keeping my pets close, and the handgun my father had given to me closer that night. Eventually, at around 4:00 am I fell asleep, only to have to wake up and go to work that morning. Since I was sleep deprived, work was terrible, though when I returned home I was met with an even worse situation than sleep deprivation. My front door, it was wide open. I knew I had locked it, especially now of all times, I made sure of it. But, there it was, my door, my home, left open to all who wish to enter. My immediate concern was with my pets, I had to know they where okay. But, I was scared to go in alone. Naturally, I got my next door neighbor, Matt, to help me make sure everything was clear. Matt and I are fairly good friends, so after I told him what had happened, he gladly agreed to help out. After we searched the house, and found my pets to be locked away in my bedroom closet, he suggested that I get a hotel room and he'd watch over my pets and the house for any activity he'd see from his own house, as they are fairly close together. I agreed, and also decided that I was going to take a few days off work after all this.

When I awoke the next day, I found my phone flooded with texts from Matt. 3:02 am: "I see two men peering in your front door window, I'm calling the cops." 3:07 am: "I think they've entered your house, they might be using a lock pick or something for your door." 3:09 am: "The cops are on their way" 3:15 am: "I think a third man is here too now, I can't tell where he came from through my window, but he's entered the house now too." 3:24 am: "They're leaving, there's four men all coming out the front entrance.." 3:47 am "The police are here, they're inspecting the house, the front door was locked when they got at your house" 4:01 am: "They say nothing appears overly out of order, or wrecked, but they're saying they'll be keeping a closer watch on the area and the neighborhood entrance now". These messages, needless to say, scared the shit out of me. I came by my house later on that day to inspect anything that might have been misplaced or broken. I didn't find anything out of place, except the entrance panel to the attic was moved over. I tried thinking it was the cops that moved it, but the uncertainty is always there. I checked the attic as well, but saw again, nothing out of place. After checking up on the place, I went back to the small hotel I'd stayed at last night that was in the small town just about 15 minutes away, as there was no way I was going back there to the house tonight.

That night was rather peaceful, I received no texts from Matt from the night either. So, I figured that perhaps this was the end. I'd tried to rationalize that the burglars or whatever didn't find what they wanted from my house and had likely moved on, thus they didn't bother visiting again. Though, that thought changed very quickly. When I got home, awaiting a peaceful and untouched environment, I was mistaken. Something was wrong. Everything was fine, other than the panel to the attic was opened again, and that my room, it was wrecked. The one place in my home that I had always felt like was my true haven, and place for solace, was destroyed. Now, this pushed me, it was almost a taunt, a mock to me telling me that I was powerless, that I had no safe haven, that I am becoming a guest in my own home. I decided that, I'll be staying over at Matt's for the night, armed.

Well, the night was rather quiet. All was dark and calm, with my house looking so still and frozen in the darkness. Time seemed to go on forever, until around 2:00 am, from Matt's window which held a great few of my home and front walkway, I saw a man, in all black, under the veil of night. It was a moment that I had felt like I'd seen a thousand times, for I had seen it played in my mind, the first encounter I had with these people in black, had been through my head in endless cycles these past few days, and now I felt as if I had to fight, but I couldn't, as I got the strange feeling that, he wasn't alone as I hadn't seem them alone before. I called the police seeing the man enter my house, with Matt by my side, we waited and watched. The police should be here sooner with their promise to be close by. However, all the safety and the feeling of resolution I had dissipated in a moment when I turned my head. I noticed something, a sound coming from Matt's back door, a man, standing, in all black, trying to enter Matt's home, while gazing at us with the most sinister eyes I'd ever seen in my life. We aimed at him with our weapons we'd had on us the whole night, while watching my home in the dark. But, perhaps the most terrifying part is this guy never flinched, he didn't stop. With what felt like hours, we heard police sirens and a couple of cars pull up into Matt's driveway. In that moment, I thought the man in black was going to break in, but suddenly, Matt fired through his own window. The man was shot.

So, after Matt shot the man, the police found another man in my house, in my bedroom, behind the partly opened door with a knife they say. Which, gives me chills, to just think what might've happened if he was still there when I went to check on the place during the day time. The other man was later confirmed dead and to be killed by Matt in the following hours. Police are saying Matt will likely get by with it as Self-Defense, which I'm glad for. But so far, I don't know anything on why they were in my house, but I hope to get some answers soon. I'd love to know if anyone has ideas why. Police say that it should be safe to go back in my house now though, thank goodness. Now, I'm currently in the process of fixing back my room, and just happy to have my pets back with me in my own home. Honestly, the only thing that bothers me still is, and Matt swears on his life about this, he saw not just two guys leaving my house that first night he watched my home, but four....

Submitted June 23, 2016 at 01:52PM by Zaivthr nosleep

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