Sunday, May 1, 2016

Troubleshooting my solar power setup (running out of juice too quickly) vandwellers

I purchased this van a couple weeks ago from someone who was living in it full-time. It came with a solar setup, 200 watts of solar, a 2300 watt inverter, and 2x 115 amp hour marine batteries (Kirkland brand). I have a Whynter DualZone fridge/freezer (see here) which according to Amazon reviews and others on this subreddit, should be drawing anywhere from 4.5 to 6 amps anywhere from 10%-50% of the time. So even at the worst case here I should be getting about 76 hours of fridge usage from a fully charged battery (I think?).

My test run this weekend concluded that the batteries could not sustain the fridge for more than about a day without running the engine. I really want to be able to use this fridge alongside other light power usage so I'm trying to figure out my next step. The previous owner said the batteries were about 3 years old, so my guess is that they're a bit worn down and need to be replaced. Are there any other obvious things to check? Do I need a bigger battery bank, or more solar?

Thanks for your help!

Submitted May 02, 2016 at 03:33AM by meowmeowmeowmeowmeoo vandwellers

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