I used to be just like you. A casual Redditor, scrolling the front page of the internet, looking for interesting things to occupy me as YouTube had drained all my data (again). Everything is so slow on 2g data, Reddit became my savior. Even a scaredy cat like me couldn't resist the popular stories of the day on NoSleep. I just had no idea it was meant literally.
It started as normally as you could imagine. One story would peake my interest and I would get lost in a wormhole of creepy stories. Narutally, as I knew they would, the stories I read always got my paranoid. I,would check every corner of every room, even after turning on all the lights in the house. I even escalated at one point to begging my boyfriend to accompany me to the kitchen so I could make us dinner. However, eventually, I became a little numb to it all. I would still get creeped out, turning on lights unnecessarily as I ventured down our long hallway into the kitchen for a drink, but after a few weeks of on and off stories, I was far less paranoid. NoSleep just became my main subreddit and I divulged my addiction daily. I thought that was all it would be. Until last night.....
My boyfriend had taken off for a few hours to a friend's holiday barbecue. He wasn't sure exactly when he would be home, but between the dogs and his mother, asleep in her room, I had no reason to feel paranoid. It was just barely light outside. The sun was down but the light of the day had yet to completely fade from the sky. I had been relaxing in bed watching a dvd when I got up to grab a snack. Our German Shephard followed me out into the kitchen as she always does, and I had no creepy feelings causing me to check every corner as I might have normally, as I hadn't been on NoSleep since far earlier in the day. I flipped on the hallway light and the kitchen light as I passed the switches, beelining for the refrigerator and hoping desperately that someone had thought to put some of the bottled water in it to keep it cold. Of course not. I let out a heavy sigh of defeat and gave the door of the refrigerator a push before turning to my left. This move caused me to be facing the dining room area of our house. 4 windows, the back door, and some of the patio door came into view, but that wasn't all I saw. In my defeat, I didn't notice the dog standing as still as a statue, staring at the window. I didn't pick up the low, growl escapig her, her eyes unmoving from the closest window. As I saw it, I was just as still, my body freezing completely in terror and confusion. This couldn't be real. This couldn't be happening. I was dreaming, or hallucinating. They were just stories. They weren't supposed to be real.
I snapped back to reality (oh, there goes gravity (sorry, I couldnt help myself.)) as the dark figure on the other side of the glass fled from sight, causing the dog to bark louder than I had ever heard her. She darted to the window as I flew into action, hoping her alertness would give me a clue where the fuck this thing was as I made sure every single window and door was locked and covered with anything I could find. The image of it was burned into my mind, terrifying me to the very bone to a point I had somehow found courage I didn't know I had. Within minutes I managed to lock and cover everything, while also turning on every single light in the house. The dog was still growling at the same window as I sprinted down the hallway and back into our bedroom to text my boyfriend. At this point, I didn't care if he was having fun or not. The pure terror in me was taking over the courage I had and turning me into a complete wreck. It wasn't until I started texting him that I really had a chance to think about the figure outside the window.
It was humanoid, of that I was certain. I didn't see a face, and I didn't need to. The figure at the window was of normal height, slender, but not abnormally so. To be honest, I might not have been scared at all in the daylight, to see a person directly outside the dining room window, just standing there in silence. What was terrifying was the darkness, the mystery of the dark. What was terrifying was the person outside the window, standing just inches from the glass but facing away from me, stating into the trees behind the house. What was terifying was the slight tilt of the head, as though they were having a quizzical conversation with someone else. What was terrifying was the orange in his hand.
I can't unseen him. I see him everywhere, seared into my vision. When I close my eyes, he is there, but this isn't just my mind remembering. When I close me eyes, he is there, but before I can fall asleep, he straightens up, drops the orange, and starts to turn around.
Please help me. I can't go with no sleep.
Submitted May 30, 2016 at 06:48AM by coffehmafia http://ift.tt/25uVrSv nosleep
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