Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Is the term "Social Justice Warrior" a poorly thought out insult? NoStupidQuestions

I get the impression that most people use this term to imply or describe two things: first is somebody who is concerned or offended by something that would be considered by most people to be very trivial, like self identifying as a "refrigerator kin".

The second common use, is to describe somebody sitting behind a social justice movement disingenuously, not because they genuinely care about goodness, but for smug or personal gaining purposes, or just to feel "holier than thou".

But if that is the case, then "Social Justice Warriors" is a poorly designed insult. It implies they are fighting for a good cause, or an important social justice cause. But it's being used to describe somebody who is actually not. The closest fitting insults I can think of for that, would be something like "Self Righteous Smuggies" or "First World Problem Warriors"

Then again, it seems like some people who use this term actually are genuinely offended by social justice topics.

The people who use the term in attempt to discredit or silence even people with reasonable social justice opinion or concerns, are being hypocrites since they engage in the very narrative they might be against or dubious of. I've occasionally seen the abbreviation "SJW" used to insult people who speak against or criticize reasonable issues involving discrimination. By people who say they are for free speech, but actually seem to be trying to stifle it by using insult terms for people they disagree with.

Either way, I am starting to think my generation is not the brightest, especially when it comes to inventing new vocabulary.

Submitted May 25, 2016 at 12:52AM by poofballhat5 http://ift.tt/1XSb40F NoStupidQuestions

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