Monday, February 1, 2016

"The Republicans' denial of the effects of the Climate Change is going to destroy this earth soon ." POLITIC

Because just by denying the fact that there is a huge hole in the Ozone layer, is good enough reason to hasten our exit from this earth.

I know our earth was not so polluted before .

But since we know a whole lot now about what the hole in the ozone layer can do to our lives , what are we doing ?

Nothing .

And why the Republicans are not taking up this issue seriously, beats me ?

But not our scientists .

They knew it before and they're telling us now on a regular basis about what this vanishing Ozone layer can do to our body and to the earth .

But for the Republicans, just the fact that the science behind the climate change is mainly promoted by the Democrats, they're prone to think of the whole exercise as very suspicious .

But for the Democrats it's not very hard to presume the reason behind this reluctance on the part of the Republicans in the Congress as well as in the Senate .

It's the humongous amount of money and the power tied to the Petroleum industry.

Republican stalwarts among others have, had huge incentives to keep on promoting the practice of the gasoline burning and thus generating a huge income for each individual members in the Capitol and as well to the Party as a whole .

They're so blind, to the fact that we might die someday if we don't fix this problem right now, that they do not even want to acknowledge that there is a huge Ozone hole , almost the size of 1000 + football fields on top of the Andes mountains in Chile and elsewhere .

The reason, the village people working on the top of these mountains in Chile wear long clothes to hide every part of their bare skin, including their head, is a testament to the fact that our Ozone layer is diminishing .

I'll urge all the Republicans to take a hike on those mountains and see first hand the effect of what a hole in the Ozone layer can do to their health.

If they don't suffer from terrible skin cancers or other communicable diseases by not covering every inch of their bare skin ,we can call our Climate scientists liars .

These scientists are crying out very loud and clear about the dangerous effect of burning of the fossil fuels as well as the effects of running Refrigerators on our levels of Ozone layer .

And with this monumental evidence of our earth being disintegrated on a daily basis , I really don't understand the reason for this denial on the part of the entire coterie of the Republicans and also on the part of some Democrats ?...tkb

Submitted February 02, 2016 at 05:59AM by dad2rosco POLITIC

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