Monday, February 22, 2016

Question about Mescaline extraction. Drugs

I've been reading about different methods to make a mescaline extract form San Pedro cactus and I have run into one question that nobody seems to have answers to, so I thought I would ask here first! :D

Warning about run-on sentence because I'm not sure how to word it.

If you were to boil a cactus down to get the juice from it, let it separate in the refrigerator, and then evaporate the juice in a Pyrex pan, what would happen?

I've seen extractions where people made the cactus into powder by boiling it down and letting it dry, but would the evaporated juice just leave behind the mescaline to allow someone to pill it, or would it just fuck up the whole process? This is what I am wondering.

All this is hypothetical of course! :3 Thank you for all helpful responses in advance!

Submitted February 22, 2016 at 11:46PM by Weakstream Drugs

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