Monday, February 22, 2016

My parent's and twin sister are hoarders but I (18/f) am not. relationship_advice

I moved to in with my boyfriend (and his parents) at the beginning of the year because he is allergic to dust (neither of my parents clean, and both my sister and mom are hoarders.) Neither of my parents cook, clean and barely go grocery shopping. My sister is fine with this lifestyle because she is very similar to my parents. I tried living with my dad again, but I lost a lot of weight in a short period of time and I am already underweight. My dad works a lot and is rarely home. My mom’s house is probably worse; I stayed there on Christmas and I literally just ate a can of chickpeas. It’s hard to better my situation, because in doing so, I am essentially taking on the role of taking care of my family when I myself am just 18. When I clean anything, it just gets messy again right away as no one else cleans it. I installed a lock on my door at my dads so no one could make a mess in my room. My mom’s house would probably take years to clean at this point and since I’ve moved in with my boyfriend my mom has taken the opportunity to use my room as her own. Both the refrigerators at my moms and dad contains mold and has a weird smell + it’s hard to cook when there’s a lack of pans and there's stuff all over the counters and kitchen table. I bought my own mini fridge, but this only slightly alleviated the problem. The only time I sit at a table to eat is when I am at my boyfriend’s house. I can’t move out because I am a student, and don’t have much money. I work part-time, but I live in Ottawa, and housing is expensive. My parents are both in debt after the divorce and cannot/will not/ don’t see any reason to help me out. Actually, my parents often tell me how lucky I am to be living the way I am and do not see anything wrong with the way they are living. I am extremely depressed and cannot live like this much longer. I have been living like this since about 4th grade when my parents decided I was old enough to cook for myself, although they never taught me. So my question is: What can I do? Should I help my family or focus on myself?
TL;DR My parents and sister are hoarders and it's difficult to live with. I'm living with my boyfriend temporarily.

Submitted February 23, 2016 at 02:38AM by grace_main relationship_advice

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