Sunday, February 7, 2016

Is anyone else's house locked up like Fort Knox?! breakingmom

I mean, from your kids. My son is going to turn two this month. Since he was able to walk he has been into fucking everything. We have baby locks on most of our cabinets. We have a baby gate to keep him out of the un-baby proofed office. We have the doors to our room, the bathroom, the pantry, and the laundry room all with those door knob covers on them. The stove door has a lock on it. Even the refrigerator is on lockdown.

I have mentioned this stuff and complained to numerous friends. They all claimed their children weren't like that... Well they all had girls.... I thought "Maybe it's a difference between boys and girls?" But then, today I visited a friend with a boy the exact same age as mine. And she said the same thing! Nothing was baby proofed in their house! Do I just have a demon spawn? Why does my kid feel the need to touch and destroy everything? Throw everything? Please tell me I'm not the only one!!!

Submitted February 08, 2016 at 06:15AM by futureRN249 breakingmom

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