Wednesday, February 10, 2016

I'm 20 and 210 lbs and I'm ready to turn my life around, but I need help loseit

I'm a 20 year old male (I turn 21 next week), and I recently tipped the scale at 210 pounds. I had noticed over the past couple of months that I had been getting more and more out of shape, but it never really hit me until I recently hit the scales. I was immediately embarrassed and ashamed of myself, but tired of the self-loathing; if anything, it's making my condition worse.

A big issue for me is my eating; I'm a junior in college, and usually our pantry/refrigerator inventory is lacking in any nutrition. So, when I'm hungry, if I'm not on campus, I usually drive to the nearest fast food place and get something through the drive through. My first couple of years in college, I fell in love with cooking, and I cooked my own dinner nearly every day. I still wasn't in good shape then, but I was much happier with myself than I am now. Last semester, though, I fell off the wagon and it's all went downhill from there.

I also don't get much exercise. I do a fair amount of walking on campus everyday, but not as much now that most of my classes are in the same couple of buildings. I haven't done any cardio or weight lifting since I played sports in high school but I really wanna start getting back into it, I know it would help me lose weight and I would feel better too.

My main problem though is I don't know where to start. I know where I want to get, around 175-180 lbs, and I know I need to eat better and exercise more to get there. However whenever I try it only lasts a couple of days before I fizzle out. My weight is getting out of control and it's affecting other aspects of my life. I know find it much harder getting out of bed in the mornings, I get out of breath by just walking from class to class, my girlfriend and I have stopped having sex, and I've lost my motivation to anything that involves getting off my ass. Well I'm tired of feeling like this and I'm taking full accountability for my current condition. I really want to turn my life around and get fit, so I'm asking for help from r/Fitness. I'm ready to go on my fitness journey and I want you guys to be a part of it. I've seen a ton of posts on here about people needing help losing weight, and them updating everyone on their journey as it goes along. I want to do that, I think it would really help me out having other people on the ride with me, and I think it would help me continue to hold myself accountable. I just need pushing in the right direction. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes for however it long it takes to get in my desired shape.

Submitted February 11, 2016 at 01:35AM by chef_batman loseit

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