Saturday, February 6, 2016

Am I being paranoid or petty? Advice

My gf and I recently moved in with an old friend if mine that I haven't seen in years, but who I used to be close with. Well we have been having some issues and my "friend" has only acted dismissive and uncaring. One issue we have had a problem with is the refrigerator. The coldest it would get was 55 degrees and food I was buying was going bad days before it should. Any time the fridge is opened the whole living room smells like a dumpster. When I mention that to him and that we should get it fixed he tells me that it's fine, he smells nothing and that I'm just paranoid. I've had to get the landlord to come look at it with all responsibility left up to me twice, and the fridge is still broke. The coldest it will get is 40 degrees on top shelf and below that in shelf its in the 50s.

He has invited a few people I don't know at all to come stay the night on our couch. This last guy has been here almost two weeks although he's mainly only here at night to sleep. One night my room mate gave this guy a key to our house told him to sleep in his room while he wasn't home. The next day I asked my room mate if he could give me a heads up before anyone stays the night, and I told him we don't feel comfortable with random ppl we don't know having a key and access to our house. He immediately got mad saying he will move out if he can't have ppl over and told me that I'm strange and that I'm paranoid. He said they aren't random because he knows them and just because ppl screwed me over in the passed doesn't mean his friends will I'm just paranoid.

Meanwhile anything of value in this house belongs to me. With some rather expensive items and I have pets with no backyard and a girlfriend living here.

Am I being paranoid and weird? I feel like any normal person would feel the way I feel.

Submitted February 07, 2016 at 12:28AM by Deerburn Advice

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