Sunday, February 7, 2016

48 hours+ for homemade creme fraiche? AskCulinary

So I was inspired by this thread to take some leftover heavy cream and see if I could turn it into creme fraiche. I left about 1-2 cups of the cream out on my counter with ~1 Tbsp of yogurt (plain, supposedly active cultures) in a clear plastic container with a paper towel tightly tied over the top. That was Friday evening, and now, over 48 hours later, it still has the consistency of cream--very liquidy--save for a few chunks.

I'd read that sometimes yogurt takes longer, and the cream & yogurt starting a refrigerator temperatures may have slowed things down, but it seems like after 48 hours I should have something a little thicker. Is there any point waiting longer to see if the cream thickens?

If this is a failure, what could have gone wrong? I'm guessing the yogurt cultures weren't as active as the manufacturer claimed?

Submitted February 08, 2016 at 10:08AM by GooDawg AskCulinary

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