Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Move-In Issues - Can my lease be voided? legaladvice

I recently signed a one year lease on a studio apartment in DC. The apartment I viewed is very different from the apartment I have been assigned. In the apartment that I saw the kitchen area had all appliances along the same wall, leaving a large open space for the remaining area to be used as a bedroom. In the unit I was assigned the refrigerator is smaller, and standing in from of the dishwasher and drawers (you can't open the cabinets/dishwasher, which means I can't use them). If I move the refrigerator into the living area it makes the space so small that all of my furniture and belongings won't fit - it was already a tight squeeze. Plus they gave me a picture of the floor plan and this is a different layout. The lease was signed electronically, and I was not offered a walk-in inspection before taking keys. Is this grounds for refusal of possession and a refund of the monies I paid to obtain the keys? I provided them cashiers checks at 5:30 pm, they closed at 6 (otherwise I would have been right back down there to get my checks and leave), I am going to go as soon as they open in the morning to discuss and try to get my funds back. What can I do? Are there any laws that benefit me since I didn't see the apartment and it's layout was misrepresented?

Submitted June 21, 2017 at 01:10PM by machreekristin legaladvice

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