Monday, May 22, 2017

TIFU by discovering how much 'non-slip' shoes actually help. tifu

Obligatory no this was not today, but rather a few weeks ago.

So I had just finished with an employee meeting, where every employee has to come and discuss new things going on, and other work related items. Pretty boring, and I have to get up at 7:30 on a Saturday.

Anyway, about halfway through the managers asked if anyone wanted to stay late into the opening time to help stock up front, and clean tables/etc. I volunteered as the patron I am, and I wasn't wearing my non slip shoes. However, I was wearing my heavy duty leather boots with insane treads on them. They must be about 1cm deep.

So I go to stock the cooler up front and I decide we need more milks up front. (We give out milks with the kids meals, so they come in these little bottles with screw on tops.) I grab 2 cases of milks, one vanilla, the other chocolate, and only then do I realize how slippery the refrigerator floor is. (It's a walk in fridge/freezer.) I almost made it out, until I had to open full the door.

Long story short I fell flat i my face, holding 2 heavy cases of milk bottles. I look behind me, and there is my coworker mopping everything. He had mopped inside the cooler, which is why it was so slippery.

I spent the next 15 minutes going through both cases of milks and squeezing them to find out which ones had cracked, and a good 1/3rd of the milks were ruined.

TL;DR Didn't wear non slip shoes on a freshly mopped fridge floor, slipped and dropped 2 cases of milk.

Submitted May 22, 2017 at 10:16PM by superbrian111 tifu

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