Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Reading these reminded me of a story... fatpeoplestories

This story shared by u/HIITbunny reminded me of one of my GFs former coworkers.

GF will obviously be my gf...

Lump will be the coworker...because she was big, shapeless, and spent most of her time sitting around being useless.

GF had recently graduated from nursing school and taken a job at a residential home for developmentally disabled adults. There were 6 employees...nurses and aids...per shift. Most of them were wonderful people who got on well with each other and truly cared about the residents. Then there was Lump. Lump was about 5'5" and 350 pounds. 2 of the nurses were responsible for one hall each.. About 6 residents. They each had one aid, and one nurse was responsible for giving all of the residents their medications. All of the residents were wheelchair bound, all but one were nonverbal, and only the nonverbal one was capable of moving her wheelchair, so they all needed a lot of assistance.

Nurses often don't get to sit down for lunch. So they will often keep snacks in the pockets of their scrubs. One day, GF stopped on her way to work and bought a box of Slim Jims. There were 24 pieces in the box, each about 4 inches long. GF took about 3-4 out and stuck them in her pockets, left the box in the break room, and told her coworkers to help themselves. Lump hurried down to the break room, and came back out a few minutes later munching a slimjim. An aide went in after that...there were five left. Of course Lump claimed she only took one, but there were wrappers in all of her rooms...

Other greedy things she did...

  • This house didn't have a kitchen, so food for the residents(who could chew solids) was sent over from a larger house. They usually sent enough for the staff too. Lump always took multiple helpings...usually not leaving enough for everyone else.

  • When they didn't send extras, the staff would often pool money for pizza. Lump never chipped in, but always helped herself to multiple slices. And yes, she complained about the toppings.

  • occasionally, one of the staff would make a run to Subway or Burger King, and ask if anyone wanted anything...obviously with the understanding that they would reimburse the driver. (Side note: when I was in the military, it was common for one person to go on a Tim Horton's run. It was considered common courtesy to pay for the driver's coffee... "You fly, I'll buy".) Lump never paid. When they started to refuse to take her order/ demand payment up front, she would whine that she was "soooo huuungry" and "I promise I'll pay you tomorrow." When that stopped working, she complained to HR that she was being excluded.

  • Finally, my absolute favorite. The icing on the entitlement cake. GF bought a premade deli sandwich for lunch. She put her name on the wrapper in Sharpie, having been warned that Lump was notorious for "mistaking" food left in the refrigerator for hers. She walked into the break room to find Lump eating her sandwich. When GF asked "What the hell are you doing?", Lump(predictably) said,"Oh, I thought this was mine." When GF showed Lump her name written in big letters on the wrapper, she changed her tune to "I didn't think you'd mind". Yes, she really said that.

Also, whenever a resident needed moved for any reason, Lump asked for help. When someone came to help her, she sat down and let them do all the work. Every. Single. Time. She justified it by saying her knees hurt.

GF left to take a job at the ER shortly after the sandwich incident, so I don't know if Lump is still there. I could never figure out how she kept that job as long as she did

Submitted May 02, 2017 at 07:02PM by 4_string_troubador http://ift.tt/2oTG5Z4 fatpeoplestories

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