Friday, June 17, 2016

Three men are waiting to get into heaven... Jokes

And St. Peter stops them at the gate and says, "I'm sorry we're almost at our quota of people we're going to let into heaven today, so only the man who had the worst time getting here is going to get in. "

The first man steps up and says, "That has to be me. I came home from work early and I could clearly hear the sounds of my girlfriend cheating on me through my apartment door. I rushed in and after some searching found the culprit hanging by his hands from the balcony. I don't know what came over me, but I shoved the refrigerator out of the kitchen, over to the balcony and over the edge. It took out the man, but my leg became tangled up in the cord and pulled me over with it."

St. Peter listens intently, "Wow you certainly did have a rough time getting here."

The second man pipes up, "I was working out on the balcony of my apartment when I heard a domestic dispute in the unit below. I leaned over to see if I could hear more and lost my balance and fell over. I managed to grab hold of the railing below me, and before I can climb to safety a refrigerator comes over the edge and I fell to my death."

St. Peter nods again, "That's even more unfortunate that the last fellow." He turns to the third man, "I suppose you have a story to top that?"

And the third man replies, "So picture this, I'm hiding naked in a refrigerator..."

Submitted June 18, 2016 at 06:18AM by grantthejester Jokes

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