Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Night I Will Never Forget (Mini Creepypasta) creepypasta

Shane, Russell, Jeff, Nick, and I were the best of friends. Every day after school, we would go to any of our homes, and just hang out until we were forced to return to our homes. We were basically brothers. But, this night would forever change us.

It was Saturday, and my friends and I were group texting. Shane texted that his parents were gone for the weekend, and that he wanted us to come over, and spend the night. We all got pumped up from this text, and quickly packed our things and headed to Shane's house.

Night came, and we started doing your common "Party" clichés, from playing loads of video games, to eating lots of junk food and telling stories. Then, we started to tell horror stories about things that had happened to us. Shane's story crept us out, a lot. He told us that he hears walking in his backyard, every night. He also told us that one night he woke up to hear his refrigerator door shut, and his back door open and close.

We thought nothing of it, and started to prank call some people. After we got done with our fourth prank call, we got a phone call. I, and heard something weird. In a deep voice I heard, "I've been watching you." "Sure," I replied. I closed the phone, and whispered to Shane, "You've got to listen to this!"

"Knock off the jokes, fool." Shane exclaimed to the caller. We all stared at Shane, as his face turned pale. He hung up the phone with a terrified face. Our hearts sank, as Shane told us that this person listed our full names, and told us that he was going to kill us all. Before we could react, we heard a giant thud in the backyard.

Russell looked, and told us something that still haunts me today. The shed door was wide open, and a big, tall man was walking up the steps that led to the back door. I picked up the phone, as we all booked it up the stairs, looking for any place to hide. I found a knife, and would use that if this guy got into the house. We hid under Shane's parent's bed, where I called the police.

We heard the door knob to the back door turn, before the lock restricted it. Large thuds came from downstairs, and stopped, when the door flung open. This guy broke the door in! We were shaking, as the man searched every room, and began making it up the stairs.

He walked in and started to search the room. This guy began whistling, which added a whole level of fear to the situation. The footsteps then stopped. I felt like my heart was about to explode. It was dead silent in the room. A bloodcurdling scream filled our ears, as Nick was pulled out from under the bed.

The man held Nick by his neck, and pulled out a butcher knife. I reacted fast, and jabbed the knife I found in the man's back. He dropped Nick and let out a scream of agony. We took this moment to sprint down the stairs, and out the door. Relief filled our bodies, as a police car came down the road.

We told the officers what had happened, and followed them into the house. They didn't find anyone there! The relief was gone. Before we could do anything, the man jumped out from the bushes, and stabbed Shane. We screamed for help, as the man pulled the knife out and charged us. We heard a loud bang, as an officer shot the man.

We put pressure on Shane's wound, for any attempt to save him. The man survived the shot, and the officers took the knife and handcuffed him. The man was too injured to try anything else. An ambulance arrived, as well as another police car. Shane was put in the ambulance, and the man was arrested.

A cop stayed with us, while the ambulance and police car took off. 2 hours later we were informed that Shane had died in the hospital. We were all devastated, as we had lost one of our greatest of friends. The next day, we were informed that the man was homeless, and was living in Shane's shed for almost a year, and was eating their food. He was sentenced to life in prison, with no chance of parole. That was the scariest, and saddest day of my life. Why do people do these things? I guess nobody will know. Despite the loss, we are all still friends, recovering together.

Submitted June 22, 2016 at 06:36AM by ReagansHorrors http://ift.tt/28MtKtF creepypasta

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