Friday, June 17, 2016

refrigerator ventilation reasonable limits appliancerepair

This is not strictly a repair post, but I'm seeking advise to avoid a repair. I'm trying to make my refrigerator as quiet as possible. It stands in an alcove that encloses it entirely except for an opening that provides a margin around the fridge of 5 inches on the left side, 0.5 inches on the right and a foot above. Here's a picture

The manual says to keep a half inch on the sides and 2 inches in the back.

As you can see I've already put some sound absorbing foam on the left side (which helps the noise a lot). I left an 8 inch gap at the bottom of the foam to the floor. Is this gap good enough for ventilation on the side? Can I add foam on the right side also as long as I have a bottom gap? Can I fill in the opening at the top?

Alternatively, can I completely seal the sides and the top of the refrigerator if I put substantial ventilation holes in one of the alcove's inner walls, opposite my basement stairwell?

Any opinions would be greatly appreciated.

Submitted June 18, 2016 at 06:32AM by Defualt appliancerepair

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