Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Norman encounters a mild inconvenience while looking for a bottle of water at Target. lifeofnorman

Norman walked into the store, refreshed by the gust of cool air during this hot summer's day, and made his way around the cashiers' stands to those ever-present Coca-Cola coolers containing various beverages being sold at a high price just ever so slightly above the norm. Today, he was looking for a bottle of water.

Norman opened the first refrigerator he came across, and found not a bottle of water in sight. He pushed a few bottles of Fanta and Powerade around, and yet the cooler seemed to be fresh out of water.

Somewhat inconvenienced, as he had a dentist's appointment in just under an hour, and the water was the only item he planned on purchasing that day, he made his way to the next register line and peered inside that fridge.

Yet again, there was no water to be found. Instead of wasting semi-precious time peering deeper into the depths of the cooler, Norman let out a heavy sigh and walked over to the next register's fridge. Luckily, the store was not crowded at all, so he was not disturbing the huge line that may be typical at any other time of day.

This fridge, belonging to register seven, was not only out of water, but also Fanta and Coke as well. Norman found this mildly amusing, knowing that someone else, albeit looking for an entirely different product, might have also suffered the same inconvenience that he had.

It was on the fourth refrigerator he tried that Norman declared victory. With a sigh of relief, he reached into the back of the cooler and pulled out a bottle of water. As the condensation began to form on the bottle as it came into contact with the warmer air of the department store, Norman made his way to the nearest open checkout lane, as the one in which he found the water was closed.

It was behind the elderly lady with far too many items that Norman decided to forsake his one-item rule for the day and buy a 14-pack of anti-cavity gum with the hopes to impress his dentist in about half an hour's time.

Norman payed for the two items with a five-dollar bill, and donated the remaining $1.49 to the charity box sitting on the register. He had done his good deed for the day and acquired what he came for despite his challenges, and he walked out of Target with a smile.

Submitted June 23, 2016 at 10:03AM by Rafikim lifeofnorman

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