Sunday, June 19, 2016

LPT request: How to survive without a kitchen/microwave/oven/fridge? LifeProTips

Backstory: I'm a visiting PhD student in Munich, and my supervisor arranged me a place to stay right next to my working place. The place however is pretty crappy. The room itself i simple but decent, just a bed, a sink and a closet, but I do not need more than that. The kitchen and the bathroom are however shared. Now, I do not know who else lives there, if they are students or whatever, but it sure looks like a trashy student house there. The kitchen is filthy, the stove is dirty. There is a microwave and a refrigerator. The microwave looks disgusting with food stains everywhere and the refrigertor is completely full.

So here's the thing; I would rather not make use of the kitchen at all. However, how do I survive the next 6 weeks, food-wise? Do you guys have any tips or tricks on what to buy and to eat? I have some waffles, grapes and these Müsli bars for now. Was thinking of perhaps buying a cooler and ice to buy some milk and keep that fresh? What pro life tips could you give me?

Submitted June 19, 2016 at 05:37PM by Inklinga LifeProTips

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