Saturday, June 18, 2016

Eulogy for a friend. drunk

I met you 15 years ago. We were instant friends. You lived in my house with. We shared many meals. You are family. I can't stand to say goodbye. Last night, I trusted you with 1 job. It was easy, suited to your abilities. You couldn't do it. I am sad for your diminishing skills. I still love you, but I must move on. You were amazing.

Past glory doesn't put ice in my whisky. I am sorry, refrigerator, but you need to retire. Remember that bottle of 18 year old single malt? I don't. You put the rock in my glass. That case of Genny Cream Ale? I remember the aftermath. You stood on your head that day. It was ice cold.

My friends, hug your fridge. You never know when it will be called up to Heaven to keep the Almighty's champagne ice cold.

Submitted June 19, 2016 at 08:59AM by NoOneWorthNoticing drunk

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