Tuesday, May 24, 2016

World changing trees

I'm walking around, everything is blue. Like the mood, as if in a movie. The mood of the city is blue and sad and I see how much we depend on all these conformities. Like I remember being astounded by computers and teapots and refrigerators and how we, especially I because I'm of the lower class, are so insignificant but we have all this wondrous stuff with us. Makes me wonder what the high class has. And what's funny is we don't appreciate any of it. We don't appreciate the Microwave or the Air Conditioner until it's broken and we can't do what we usually do with it. If I was high right now I would probably be so amazed by the phone. Here is something that let's you communicate thousands of miles away at a second and we don't care for it. I don't know, it has a futuristic vibe when I'm high sometimes, anyone else feel the same? Or have a feeling like, as if you were finally becoming conscious of the world? Is there even a word for that?

Submitted May 24, 2016 at 07:28PM by jarx87 http://ift.tt/1XQX7jG trees

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