Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Gimmicks so dumb they would be insanely over SquaredCircle

What gimmicks can you think of that are most likely never going to happen but would be super entertaining?

This was my shower thought this morning:

Big E and Xavier continue to disagree about the time machine/refrigerator box leading to Xavier leaving New Day (only temporarily ). He continues trying to convince everyone his time machine works. Everyone thinks he's crazy. He challenges Big E and Kofi to a match against him and a mystery partner. The match comes and the time machine is sitting on the ramp. Xavier walks out, cuts a quick promo, and steps inside the time machine. Smoke and cheesy special effects ensue and the door opens revealing Xavier and.......Damien Sandow. It's Sandow from just before he was released. They beat the New Day (non-title) and climb back in the time machine.

This is where it gets fun. Every week after this Xavier goes back in time to retrieve a new partner from the past. Everytime it's Sandow dressed as a different celebrity or historical figure (Bill and Ted style). The possibilities are endless.

I know this is stupid and will never happen, especially since Sandow is not coming back, but I think it would be funny as shit. If not Sandow it could be any of the Social Outcasts or R-Truth.

What ridiculous gimmicks would you like to see?

TL:DR: Xavier is a time traveller who partners with people from the past played by re-signed Damien Sandow (or another comedic wrestler).

Submitted May 25, 2016 at 06:38PM by NastyMac23 SquaredCircle

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